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2014年G20全球商务挑战赛校内选拔赛|财经特色国际化|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx

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2014年G20全球商务挑战赛校内选拔赛|财经特色国际化|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx
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2014年G20全球商务挑战赛校内选拔赛|财经特色国际化|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx

Judging Judging for the G20 GBC will be undertaken at multiple levels assessing both the technical and business aspects of proposed solutions. The technical committee: will be comprised of eminent experts across a range of technical disciplines and practice areas will assess the technical merits of proposed solutions. While not a technical due diligence, the technical committee will be examining achievability of technical aspects for the stated context of the Challenge. An element of assessment by the technical committee will be scalability and impact in broad adoption in the marketplace. Deliberations by the technical committee will be provided to the judging panel for consideration. The judging panel: will be comprised of a range of global business executives with expertise and experience across a number of industry sectors. The judging panel for the finals will be comprised of CEOs from global corporations and senior financiers. During both rounds the judges will consider the submissions based on criteria such as: economic, environmental and social sustainability; technical and business innovation; and practicality.
