红色字体部分为绝大多数国外高校需要提供的信息 Student’s Basic Information 学生基本情况 Name 姓名 Cao Yuqi 曹玉琪 Gender 性别 Female 女 Enrollment Date 入学时间 Chinese University 中方大学 School 学院 School of International Education and Exchange 国际教育交流学院 20120910 University of Jinan 济南大学 Major 所学专业 Finance 金融学 Course Code 课程代码 13A70001 Grade 成 绩 91 Course Name 课程名称 Hours 课时 32 Corporate Finance 公司金融 Credit Hour 学分 Course Type 课程类别 Specialized Course 专业课 2 Bibliography 参考资料 Corporate Finance - Jonathan Berk &Peter De Marzo 《公司理财》 - Jonathan Berk &Peter De Marzo Course Description 课程简介 The purpose of this course is to help the students improve their practical skills in applied economics as it relates to financial decisions. The aim is to help the students improve their problem-solving skills, especially in the areas of working capital management, valuation of projects, and risk management. As economy continues to grow and there is more international trade, concepts such as the time value of money, net present value of projects, and risk estimation and management will become more important. The approach here focuses on helping the student develop proficiency with basic analytic tools used to evaluate the value and safety of in-house projects. Professor teaches in English and English is used on the final exam. 本课程的目的是帮助学生在与金融决策相关的应用经济学中提高实践技能, 提高他们解决问题的能力,尤其是在营运资本管理,项目估值和风险管理方面 的能力。随着经济的持续增长,出现了更多的国际贸易,金钱的时间价值、 项目的净现值和风险评估与管理等概念将变得更加重要。这门课着重于帮助 学生提高利用基础分析工具来评估内部项目的价值和安全性的熟练度。 教学和期末考试均为英语。 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Weekly Topic 每周主题 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Week11 Week12 Week13 Week14 Week15 Week16 Long and Short-Term Financing 长期与短期融资 Working Capital Management 营运资本管理 Forecasting Short-Term Needs 短期需求预测 The Time Value of Money 货币的时间价值 Valuing a Stream of Cash Flow 系列现金流的估值 The Net Present Value of a Stream of Cash Flow 系列现金流的净现值 Perpetuities, Annuities and Other Special Cases 永续年金、养老金和其他特殊形式的现金流 Interest Rates 利率 Risk and Taxes 风险和税收 The Opportunity Cost of Capital 资本的机会成本 Investment Decision Rules 投资决策法则 Mutually Exclusive Investment Opportunities 互斥投资机会 Modern Risk Management Tools 现代风险管理工具 Precautionary principle 风险预防原则 Ecological Economics 生态经济学 Review 复习 Assessment Criteria 评价标准 团队合作与出勤(40%):学生应该按时出勤并在课堂上与小组成员讨论解决问 题。每个小组应由男生女生组成。 小测验(10%):将会有几个小测验,测试学生是否理解基本概念以及在下节课 开始之前是否完成应读的内容。 期末考试(50%):将有一个期末考试。 考试形式为多项选择题,考试完全为英文。 Teamwork and Attendance (40%): Students are expected to attend class to discuss the course material and solve problems with your team. Each team should have a mix of men and women. Short Quizzes (10%): There will be several short quizzes, to test if the students understand basic concepts and have done the assigned reading before the start of the next class. Final Exam (50%): There will be one final exam. The final will have multiple-choice questions. This final will be entirely in English.