1 教学大纲 课程名称 Course Title: 学年学期 Term &Year: 课程代码 Course Code: 课程序号 Course No.: 课程性质 Course Nature: 上课安排 Classroom & Time: 学分 Credits: 周课时 Weekly Teaching Hours: 总课时 Total Teaching Hours: 授课教师 Instructor: 办公室 Office: 答疑时间 Office Hours: 邮箱 E-mail: 课程概述 Course Description 预修课程 Prerequisite Course 教学目标 Learning Outcomes e.g. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: 教学方法 Teaching and Learning Strategies e.g. This course introduces and practices the study and English communication skills required for a student to study and perform effectively at University. Teaching and learning strategies are negotiated regularly, based on student needs and abilities. Group work and peer evaluation will be employed as will self assessment. Students will be encouraged to set personal learning objectives and to record learning in a learning diary. 2 课程评分 Assessment Assessed Tasks 考核 内容 Assessment Methods 考核 方式 e.g. Closed-book exam % Weighting 比重 * Normally the results of the final exam will account for 70% of students’ final scores. 教材 Required Textbook: 参考书目 Indicative Bibliography: 其他阅读材料 Other Relevant Materials (If any): 行为守则 Code of Conduct: