附件 2 “博士后国际交流计划(派出项目) ”结题表 The Final Report of the International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program “博士后国际交流计划”派出项目获资助人员期满出站时,须填写《“博士后国际交流 计划(派出项目) ”结题表》,并提交中国博士后科学基金会或分级管理省市备案。第一、二 部分请博士后本人填写(中英文对照),第三部分请外方单位合作导师填写。 一、基本信息 Part I: GENERAL INFORMATION 姓名 Name of the Postdoctoral Fellow: 联系方式 Contact Information: 电子邮件 E-mail: 电话 Phone: 项目名称 Project Title: 合作导师姓名 Name of the Supervisor: 外方单位 The Host Institute for the Fellowship: 研究时间 Period: Start Date End Date 二、研究情况 Part II: RESEARCH (Please follow the items below and use Times New Roman, 12 font size) II (a). 研究的目的和目标。Research aims and objectives (limited to 200 words): II (b). 重大的发现和研究成果。Significant survey findings (limited to two text pages and one extra page for figures and tables): II (c). 研究项目未来发展的空间及建议。Potential for further development of the research and the proposed course of action (limited to 200 words): 1 II (d). 研究成果(发表的论文,会议报告,专利等。请提供详细出版日期和摘要)。 Research achievements (Please list the fellow’s accomplishments during the reporting period including published, accepted and submitted papers, conference presentation, patents and other achievements with date and abstracts): 1. 2. 3. 1.论文Publication: 4. 5. 2.会议报告Conference Presentation: 6. 7. 3.专利Patents: 8. 4.其他Others: 签字: Signature :_______________________________ 日期: Date : __________________________ 三、合作导师意见 Part III: COMMENTS FROM THE SUPERVISOR (Please follow the items below and use Times New Roman, 12 font size) III (a) 博士后期间的表现。The performance of the postdoctoral fellow during the 2-year training: III (b) 博士后结题报告。The final report submitted by the postdoctoral fellow: III (c) 博士后的研究水平及成果。The achievement and academic standing of the postdoctoral fellow: 签字: Signature :_______________________________ 日期: Date : __________________________ 注:“博士后国际交流计划”派出项目获资助人员在办理博士后出站手续时,此表可替 代《博士后究人员工作期满业务考核表》。 2