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西安音乐学院外国留学生入学申请表 XI’AN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS 地址:中国西安音乐学院国际合作与交流处 710061 电话/Tel: 8629-88667064 Address:International Office 传真/Fax: 8629-88667064 Xi’an Conservatory of Music 电子邮件/E-mail: Xi’an 710061, China 1. 护照用名/Full legal name 姓/SURNAME MIDDLE 名/FIRST 照片 2. 中文姓名/Chinese name 姓/SURNAME 3. 国籍/Country of citizenship 5. 性别/Gender  男/Male Photo 名/FIRST 4. 护照号码/Passport No.  女/Female 6. 婚姻状况/Marital status 7. 母语/Native Language: 8.宗教/Religion: 9. 出生日期(年/月/日)/Date of birth(y/m/d) / / 10. 出生地点/Place of birth 州/省/STATE/PROVINCE, 国家/COUNTRY 11. 永久通讯地址/Permanent home address 传真/FAX 电话/TELEPHONE 12. 目前通讯地址/Current mailing address if different from permanent address 传真/FAX 电话/TELEPHONE 电子邮件/E-MAIL 13. 学习专业或研究课题(请参见招生专业目录) 14. 来华留学申请类别/Categories of foreign students Field of study, please refer to the Catalog of Programs 1)  本科生/Undergraduate student 2)  硕士研究生/Master’s candidate 3)  普通进修生/General scholar 4)  高级进修生/Senior scholar 15. 学习期限/Duration of Study 自/from 至/to 16. 本人学历(从高中开始)/Educational Background (Starting from high school) 校名/Name 地点/Location 专业/Major 时间/Dates attended 所获学位/Degree Awarded 17. 本人工作经历(从当前工作开始)/Work Experience (Starting from current position) 工作单位/Employer 时间/Dates attended 地点/Location 职位/Position 18. 语言能力/Language Proficiency a)汉语/Chinese: 好/Good:□ 较好/Fair:□ 差/Poor:□ 不会/None:□ 请列出 HSK 考试等级或其他类型汉语考试成绩/Level of HSK test or other certificate which can show your Chinese level: b) 英语/English: 好/Good:□ 较好/Fair:□ 差/Poor:□ 不会/None:□ c) 其他语言/Other Language: 19. 曾发表的作品和论文/Publications and theses 20. 特长爱好/Special skills or interest 21. 经济保证人姓名/Financial Sponsor’s name 地址及电话号码/Address & Tel 与申请人关系/Relationship with the Applicant 保证人签名/Sponsor’s Signature 申 请 人 保 证 /I hereby affirm: 1. 上 述 情 况 真 实 无 误 。 I have reviewed the above information, and it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. 2. 在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese government and the regulations of the Academy. 申请人签字/Signature 日期/Date
