附件 1 “博士后国际交流计划”资助证明 编号 博士: 全国博士后管委会办公室批准您为 年度“博士后 国际交流计划”派出项目获资助人员(批准文号 资助您赴 ) , 从事博士后研究,研究工作期限 2 年,资助金额 300,000.00 元人民币,作为第一年的资助经费。 全国博士后管委会办公室 年 1 月 日 Certificate of Financial Support The International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program No. Date Dear Dr. ________ You are awarded a scholarship under the International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program ______ by the Office of China Postdoctoral Council (The approval document number: ____________________) for your postdoctoral research in__________________________ . The total amount of your financial support is THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND RMB ( ¥ 300,000.00) for the first year of a period of two(2) years research work. The Office of China Postdoctoral Council 2