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《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx

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《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx
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《交换生日常管理规定》中英 2019版.docx

交换生日常管理规定 Regulations on Daily Administration of Exchange Students 一、课堂行为规范 Ⅰ The Behavior Regulations in Classroom: 1、学生应该做到不旷课、不迟到、不早退。上课期间不得进入教室,可在 课间进入教室,向老师说明迟到原因,并向老师表示歉意。 1.Students should not be absent or late, or leave early. The latecomer cannot go into the classroom during the class, he or she may go into the classroom during the break, and explain the reason and apologize to the teacher. 2、开始上课前,所有学生应起立向老师致意问好,老师给予回应后方可坐 下。 2.All students should stand up and regard to the teacher before the class, then sit down after the teacher’s response. 3、学生主动协助老师做好课前课后的教学活动,听从老师安排,如:课前 擦黑板、清理讲台、安放演示仪器及挂图。课后听从老师安排做好教室的清洁工 作、试验仪器的摆放、标本的送还等工作。 3.Students should assist teachers on their own initiative to erase blackboard, clean up dais, emplace demo instrument and wall map before class, and clean up classroom, put test instrument and take back specimen after class. 4、学生应尊重老师,举手示意回答问题。衣着装扮要得体、言行举止要文 明礼貌。 4.Students should regard teachers and raise their hands to answer the questions. The dress should be decent. The words and deeds should be polite. 5、学生上课认真听讲,按时完成作业、实验报告和教师提出的各项要求。 上课时应关闭手机、禁止说闲话、吃东西,不准看与此课无关的书籍、报纸或做 其他课程的作业;未经老师同意不得擅自走动和出入。对严重影响课堂教学秩序 者,教师有权要求其离开教室,并按旷课处理,并给予相应的处罚。 5.Students must be serious-minded in class and finish schoolwork, experiment report and each request by teachers on schedule. Turn off cell phone during class. No claver during class. No dine and wine during class. Forbid reading books and newspapers or schoolwork that is irrespective with the class. Forbid going around, in and out the classroom without teachers’ permission. Teachers have the right to ask the student, who disturbs the class to be off the classroom as absenteeism, and give the student corresponding punishment. 6、教室内有人上课时,不得在门外大声讲话和喧哗,不得敲门、推门,更 不得随意出入、找人、取物,如有违反,给予相应的处罚。 6. Corresponding punishments are judged for these violators who make big noises outside the classroom during a class, and call on somebody, in and out to fetch something at will. 7、教学楼和教室内、禁止吸烟,禁止吵闹、喧哗,打扰他人上课或休息。自 习时间亦同上要求,保持肃静,如有违反给予相应的处罚。 7. Corresponding punishments are judged for these violators who smoke and make hullabaloo in the teaching building and classroom even if in the study time. 8、私人书籍和用具不应留在教室内,要妥善保管,严禁占座,因为个人保 管不善而丢失的物品,不予协助查找。 8.The private books and things shouldn’t be left in classrooms in order to occupy the seats, no assistant to lookup these lost things. 9、教室只作为上课及自习之用,不得作为他用。使用时要保持清洁,不得 乱扔纸屑、瓜果皮核,严禁随地吐痰。违反上述规定者,给予相应的处罚,不听 劝阻者将处以一定的罚款,用来清理教室。 9. The other purpose cannot use classroom except class or study. Corresponding punishments are judged for these violators who spit or throw garbage in classroom, and someone who don’t accept the dissuasion will be asked to pay for the amercement which cost for the classroom cleaning. 10、课上同学之间互相尊重不同国家、不同民族间的宗教信仰,不得在课上 打架、争吵、挑衅,影响老师的正常授课。 10. Students should respect different faith and be forbidden to fight, dispute, and defiance during class. 二、在校日常行为规范 ⅡCampus Regulations: 1、留学生如要庆祝本国重大节假日,需提前一周向国际交流部提出书面申 请,征得同意后,方可在学校老师的组织下进行,违反者按学校及相关法律处理。 1.The important celebration of homeland may be held under organization of the teachers and with the permission. Please note the written application should be submitted to the International Exchange Office in advance one week. 2 保持宿舍楼道及宿舍内的清洁与卫生。出门前关闭所有电器电源,做到人 走灯关, 避免发生火情。并检查水龙头等是否关闭,做到节约用水。 2.Keep the dorm clean. Turn off the entire switch to avoid the fire when leaving. Close up water faucet to save water. 3、爱护校园的公共设施,爱护宿舍教室内的公共设施,损坏公共设施主动 按实际价格赔偿,有意损坏公共设施 5 倍价钱赔偿。 3.Treasure the facility in dorm and campus. Pay the compensation if you damage it, and pay 5 multiple of the compensation for the spiteful purpose. 4、禁止在公共场所尤其是宿舍内大声播放音乐,以免影响他人的休息、学 习及正常生活。 4.Any loud noise include music is forbidden in public (especially in dorm) for fear to affect others’ regular life and study. 5、禁止随意丢放垃圾,做到垃圾分类,保持室外清洁的环境,做文明人, 做文明事。 5.Keep a clean environment outside the room, make sure garbage classification, forbidden to throw garbage outside. 6、禁止在校园、宿舍、教室内吸烟、酗酒,不做有损自己及他人健康的事, 要做文明的好学生,如有违反将被给予相应的处罚。 6.No smoking in campus, dorm and classroom. Any violation will be punished accordingly. 7、上课、考试、开会、听报告等活动要关掉手机,以示尊重他人、尊重自 己。 7.Turn off cell phone during class, examination, meeting etc. 8、积极参加各种形式的文艺体育活动,为国家争光、为自己赢得荣誉。 8.Participate in various activities actives actively. 三、社会礼仪与安全规范: Ⅲ Convenance and safety Regulations: 1、礼貌待人,尊敬师长,见到老师后要主动问好。 1.Good manner and regard to teachers. 2、进入他人房间要先敲门,得到允许后方可进入。 2.Knock the door and come into the room with the permission. 3、乘坐公共汽车、电车时,要遵守乘车规定主动刷卡或投币,遇到老人、 小孩主动让座。 3.Take bus or tramp with ticket. Give seat to elder or kid. 4、进入公共场所如:会议室、乘车、教室、走廊、候车室等地时严禁吸烟、 大声喧哗, 要保持安静。 4.No smoking and keep quiet in the public: assembly room, bus, classroom, aisle, and waiting room. 5、不得欺骗病人,危言耸听,要诚实对待每位患者,不得收受患者红包, 树立高尚的医德、医风,争做一个诚实守信的好医生。 5.Be honest to the patients, establish eminent medical moral and style, try to be an excellent doctor. 6、对人说话礼貌,尊重每一个人。不得对他人进行侮辱、挑衅、谩骂,不 做侮辱他人人格的事。 6.Regard everyone without insult, defiance and vituperation. 7、爱护公共场所的公共设施,损坏公共设施要按价赔偿。 7.Treasure public establishment and pay the compensation if you damage it. 8、请自觉遵守社会规范,乘车、购物、银行取钱、交纳各种费用时请主动 排队。 8.Stand in a line: waiting for bus, shopping, bank etc. 9、进入会场听报告、演讲、参加演出时做文明观众,不大声叫喊、打口哨、 说脏话。 9.Be a polite audience without hue, whistle, dirty word and jargon. 10、外出时,请选择主干路结伴行走,尤其不要夜间一个人行走,以确保人 身和财产安全。 10.When going out, please choose the main road to walk together, especially do not walk alone at night, to ensure the safety of life and property. 11、如果遇到危及人身、财产及生命安全的紧急情况,可拨打紧急求助电话 110 求助。非紧急情况可以拨打学校管理老师的电话求助,拨打无效求助电话者 将按中国法律及学校有关规定处理。 11. Dial 110 to ask for the help in the urgency circumstance of the security of life and property. Ask for help from administrative teacher in non-emergency situation. The students who dial 110 for non-emergency situation will get punishment according to Chinese laws and regulations of school. 二、请假须知 Ⅳ Leave Notice: 1、如需请假,需按照以下程序办理请假手续: (1)请假 1 天之内的,需填写请假申请表,找到辅导员批准并签字之后, 将申请表交给班长,班长向任课教师出示申请表; (2)请假在 1 天以上 3 天之内的,填写请假申请表,找到辅导员批准并签 字之后,交给国际交流部负责老师批准并签字,然后将申请表交给班长,班长向 任课教师出示申请表; (3)请假超过 3 天的,需向辅导员提交书面申请书(附相关证明材料) ,由 国际交流部研究决定,并报校领导批准。 1. If you need to ask for leave, please follow the following procedures: (1) leave for 1 day(
