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国家移民管理局关于新冠肺炎防控期间 移民与出入境管理问题解答 Questions and Answers by National Immigration Administration Concerning Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus 一、疫情防控期间外国人是否可以正常出入境? 答:疫情发生后,中国政府采取了一系列的有力应对 措施。习近平总书记指出,我们完全有信心、有能力打赢 这场疫情防控阻止战。目前,除武汉口岸关闭离汉通道外, 我国口岸签证机关仍正常运转,外国人过境免签政策未作 调整,各陆、海、空口岸继续对外开放运转,外国人可凭 有效的出境入境证件正常出入境。 目前情况下减少人员跨境流动有助于有效防控疫情。 外国人可根据实际合理安排来华行程,外国人可继续在华 停留居留。对于确需出境的外国人,鉴于部分国家和地区 已针对疫情实施相应的入境管制措施,建议提前了解清楚 目的地国家或地区对人员入境的规定和做法,避免因无法 入境造成费用和时间损失;前往国家、地区允许入境的, 应当提前到达出境口岸,留出足够时间接受相关部门检查; 已经出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等急性呼吸道感染症 状的,不应进行国际旅行,应当立即就近接受诊治,并如 实向有关管理人员说明近期活动和密切接触人员等情况, 以便有关部门迅速采取排查措施。 I. Question: Are foreigners allowed to entry or exit as usual during the period of epidemic prevention and control? Answer: The Chinese government has taken a series of strong measures since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. As President Xi Jinping stated, China has full confidence and capability to win the battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak. At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all port visa agencies are operating as usual. Visa-free transit policy for foreigners are still effective. All land, sea and air ports of China are functioning. Foreigners can enter or exit as usual with their valid international travel documents. At present, it is helpful to the epidemic prevention and control by reducing cross border movements. Foreigners could make reasonable travel arrangements to China and stay or reside in China as usual. Due to entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, it is advised that foreigners who need to exit from China, should learn in advance entry requirements of destination countries or regions to avoid financial and time losses in case of any entry refusals. Those who travel to countries or regions without entry restrictions, are advised to arrive at exit ports well ahead of departure time for necessary checks. Foreigners having fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, should avoid international travels and seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospitals. Information such as recent activities as well as close contacts should be provided to relevant authorities for any necessary control measures. 二、疫情防控期间外国人如何办理签证延期、停留居 留证件? 答:疫情防控期间,全国公安机关出入境管理部门将 继续为外国人提供签证延期和停留居留证件办理服务,保 障外国人合法停留居留,对有紧急需要的将加急办理相关 证件。为有效避免人员聚集,公安机关出入境管理部门结 合实际将安排预约办证服务,外国人可提前联系、合理安 排办证时间。对接待外国人较多的高校、科研院所、企事 业单位等机构,出入境管理部门将根据办证需求,视情允 许代办证件或提供其他必要的办证便利。 II. Questions: How do foreigners apply for visas, stay or residence permits during the period of epidemic prevention and control? Answer: All exit-entry administration authorities (EEA) in China will be in full service for extension and issuance of visa andstay or residence permits to ensure foreigners' legitimate stay in China. Urgent services for emergency situations will also be provided.. To avoid crowds gathering risks, the EEA authorities will make arrangements for services on appointments. Foreigners could make appointments in advance for any applications. For those institutions which host high numbers of foreigners, such as universities, scientific research institutes and business enterprises, the EEA authorities will allow additional agent service or provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation 三、疫情防控期间外国人签证、停居留证件过期怎么 办? 答:根据我国出境入境管理法规定,外国人应在签证、 停留居留证件到期前出境,需要继续在华停留居留的应当 到公安机关出入境管理部门办理签证、停留居留证件延期 手续。根据有关法律规定和当前实际,对因疫情防控原因 难以按时出境且无法及时办理签证、停居留证件延期手续 的,移民管理机构可依法依规视情从轻、减轻或免予逾期 居留处罚。 III. Question: How to deal with the situation that a foreigner’s visa, stay or residence permit expires during the epidemic prevention and control? Answer: According to Exit and Entry Administration Law of the PRC, foreigners should exit China or apply for extension at the EEA authorities before the visa, stay or residence permit expires . In light of the relevant laws and regulations and current situation, those who are unable to exit as scheduled or extend the visas, stay or residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment by the EEA authorities depending upon circumstances. 四、在华停留居留外国人应当如何配合疫情防控? 答:广大外国朋友增强自我防护意识,尽量不要到人 群密集地方活动,采取科学预防措施,主动配合所在社区 和单位、接待机构实施疫情防控措施,自觉遵守相关法律 法规,服从公安机关、移民管理机构、卫生健康等部门采 取的防控管理措施。如出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等 急性呼吸道感染症状,应及时报告社区、卫生健康或移民 管理机构,积极配合诊治和疫情排查。各级移民管理机构 将进一步会同有关部门开展在华外国人防控服务咨询工作, 协助医疗卫生机构进行筛查诊治,帮助解决停留居留期间 遇到的困难和问题。 IV. Question: What can foreigners do to cooperate during the epidemic prevention and control? Answer: It is advised that foreign friends enhance sense of self-protection, avoid crowded public places andtake effective preventive measures. It is strongly suggested to actively cooperating with local communities and inviting entities to take preventive measures, abiding by relevant laws and regulations and following instructions of public security organs, NIA authorities, hygiene & health authorities. In case of having a fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, foreigners should report to the local communities, NIA authorities or hygiene & health authorities and cooperate actively in medical treatment and epidemic control. NIA authorities at all levels will work closely with relevant departments for the epidemic prevention and control toprovide consultancy to foreigners, assist in disease screening and diagnosis with medical departments as well as dealing with other difficulties and problems encountered by foreigners during their stay in China. 五、中国内地居民目前是否可以正常出入境? 答:目前,除武汉关闭离汉通道外,全国陆、海、空 对外开放口岸运转正常,中国内地居民可凭有效的出境入 境证件正常出入境。国家移民管理局所属各口岸出入境边 防检查机关将继续为回国人员提供相应的便利和服务,并 配合有关卫生医疗机构开展必要的疫情排查。根据疫情防 控工作需要和一些国家、地区已针对新冠肺炎疫情实施入 境管制措施的情况,为保障中外人员身体健康和生命安全, 维护正常出入境秩序,我们建议近期有出国出境计划的内 地居民合理确定出行时间,避免可能造成的不必要损失。 据目前掌握,目前已有朝鲜、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、菲 律宾、澳大利亚、韩国、卡塔尔、日本、越南、印度、英 国、印度尼西亚、法国、缅甸、意大利、阿联酋、斯里兰 卡等国家和港澳台地区对来自中国内地(大陆)的旅客入 境采取了限制性措施。如确有需要出国出境,建议您提前 向有关国家或地区驻华代表机构、航空公司或境外接待单 位了解清楚目的地国家或地区采取的入境管控措施情况再 作安排。 V. Question: Are Chinese mainland residents allowed to exit or enter as usual? Answer: At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all land, sea and air ports of China are in normal service. Chinese mainland residents could exit or enter with their valid international travel documents. All immigration inspection agencies of NIA will continue to provide services and conveniences for Chinese nationals, and coordinate with relevant hygiene & health authorities to conduct necessary epidemic checks. In view of the epidemic prevention and control situation as well as entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, in order to ensure health and safety of travelers and maintain exit and entry order, it is advised that Chinese mainland residents make reasonable travel plans and avoid unnecessary financial and time costs. Based on currently available information, countries including DPRK, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, ROK, Qatar, Japan, Vietnam, India, Britain, Indonesia, France, Myanmar, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka as well as Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region have adopted entry restrictions for travelers from Chinese mainland. If travelers are in urgent need of exit from Chinese mainland, it is advised to make travel arrangements after consulting with relevant diplomatic representative agencies, airlines or the inviting entities of the destination counties or regions 六、目前中国公民可以到公安机关出入境管理部门办 理普通护照等出入境证件吗? 答:为保护中外人员生命安全和身体健康,减少人员 跨境流动影响疫情,维护正常出入境秩序,建议内地居民 合理安排出国出境计划,非特别急需的可暂缓申办出入境 证件。目前,湖北省公安机关出入境管理部门已暂停受理 中国公民出入境证件申请,恢复受理申请时间将视疫情防 控情况确定。其他地方公安机关出入境管理部门因春节长 假暂时关闭窗口服务。如无特别情况,春节假期结束后, 除湖北省以外的公安机关出入境管理窗口将继续开放。 有关当事人可提前联系当地公安机关出入境管理部门 了解窗口开放信息和相关证件申办要求。为减少人员聚集、 避免奔波往返,确有需要的申请人可通过网上预约等渠道 确定提交申请的具体时间,以便各窗口单位更好地提供办 证服务,提高受理审批效率。各地(包括湖北省内人员) 确有特殊事由需紧急办理出入境证件的,可随时联系各地 公安机关出入境管理部门申请进行个案审批。 VI. Question: Could Chinese citizens apply for travel documents such as passports at the EEA authorities? Answer: In order to ensure health and safety of Chinese citizens and foreigners, reduce risks of cross-border movements for the epidemic prevention and control, maintain normal exit and entry order, it is advised that Chinese mainland residents make reasonable travel plans, and postpone applications of travel documents unless in emergency. At present, the EEA of Hubei Province has suspended accepting travel documents applications from Chinese citizens. Normal services will be resumed according to the situation of the epidemic prevention and control. Application services are suspended in EEA of other provinces during Chinese Spring Festival holiday. Under normal circumstances, the application centers except for Hubei Province will be back into service after Chinese Spring Festival holiday. Applicants could contact local EEA authorities in advance for further information about opening time of application centers and relevant requirements. To avoid crowds gathering andunnecessary travels, applicants in need could confirm the time for submitting applications by online appointment, so that EEA authorities could provide better services and enhance efficiency. Applicants in urgent need for travel documents (including those in Hubei Province) could contact local EEA authorities at any time for urgent applications. 七、目前湖北武汉口岸是否能够正常出入境? 答:目前,各国人员可以从湖北武汉地区的对外开放 口岸(即武汉天河机场、汉口港)正常入境。因离汉出境 通道已关闭,未经批准不安排人员通行。 VII. Question: Are travelers allowed to exit and enter through ports of Wuhan? Answer: Internatinal travelers can enter China through ports of Wuhan (referring to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and Hankou ferry terminal ). Due to the lockdown of the exit channels of Wuhan ports, exits through any ports of Wuhan can only be permitted with approval. 八、目前中国内地居民是否能通过自助通道办理边检 手续? 答:根据口岸疫情防控工作需要,部分口岸出入境边 防检查机关可能暂时关闭部分自助查验通道,在这种情况 下旅客应经人工查验通道通关。请出入境旅客自觉服从现 场工作人员引导,按规定办理通关查验手续。 疫情防控期间,口岸出入境边防检查机关人工查验通 道可能配合有关主管部门采取检测体温、询问行程及密切 接触者情况等必要的筛查措施,请广大出入境人员自觉配 合。各口岸出入境边防检查机关将确保大型口岸中国公民 通关等候时间不超过 30 分钟,外国人出入境顺畅。 VIII. Question: Could Chinese mainland residents go through e-channels as usual? Answer: Some of immigration inspection agencies may close some e-channels for the moment due to current situation of the epidemic prevention and control. Under such circumstances, travelers should go through manual inspection channels. It is advised for travelers to follow instructions of NIA officers and go through border clearance formalities according to relevant regulations.. During the epidemic prevention and control period, immigration officers at manual inspection channels may work together with relevant authorities and take necessary preventive measures such as taking travels’ temperatures and making inquiries about travel itineraries and close contacts . Cooperation by the travelers will be appreciated., Immigration inspection agencies will make efforts to guarantee border inspection waiting time no more than 30 minutes for Chinese citizens at large ports and smooth border clearance for foreign visitors. 九、已经办理赴港澳台签注但因疫情无法在签注有效 期内赴港澳台的如何处理? 答:据掌握,目前港澳台地区主管部门对内地(大陆) 居民作出了限制入境规定。对持有往来港澳台签注、受疫 情影响未能在签注有效期内入境港澳台地区的,公安机关 出入境管理部门将在疫情解除后,根据持证人意愿免费重 新办理相同种类和有效期的签注。 IX. Question: How to deal with the situation that some travelers have already obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but cannot travel due to the epidemic? Answer: At present, regional authorities of Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region have conducted travel restrictions for Chinese mainland residents. For those who have obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but fail to enter within the validity of endorsements because of the epidemic, EEA authorities will, after clearance of the epidemic, issue the same type of endorsements with the same validity free of charge according to the holder’s wishes. 十、旅客出入境途中出现疑似疫情症状怎么办? 答:出入境人员如出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等 急性呼吸道感染症状,应当立即停止出入境旅行、自觉远 离人群,并到就近的医疗卫生机构就医。口岸或驻地的移 民管理机构也将提供必要的协助。 X. Question: How to deal with the situation that travelers have suspicious symptoms? Answer: If travelers have symptoms of acute respiratory infection, such as cough and breathing difficulties, they should suspend travels immediately, stay far away from the crowds and seek treatment at the nearest medical institutions. The NIA authorities will provide necessary assistance as well.
