附件1:guideline for project tender-english)课题指南——英文版.doc
附件 1: 西南政法大学国际恐怖主义问题研究中心课题指 南 Appendix 1: Topic Guideline for the Research Center for International Terrorism Issues of Southwest University of Political Science and Law 一、重点课题 1. Key Topics 1.叙利亚恐怖主义问题研究 1. Researches on Syrian terrorism 2.阿富汗恐怖主义问题研究 2.Researches on Afghan terrorism 3.土耳其恐怖主义问题研究 3. Researches on Turkish terrorism 4.巴基斯坦恐怖主义问题研究 4.Researches on Pakistani terrorism 5. 外籍圣战人员回流与各国反恐措施经验对中国“防回流” 的借鉴研究 6. Researches on the preventive approaches to the return of the persons joining the “holy war” in China and other counties 7. 国际难民问题研究 6.Researches on international refugee 8. 中国反极端政策研究 7.Researches on Chinese anti-radicalization policy 8.香港地区恐怖主义苗头的趋势分析 8.Researches on terrorism signs in Hong Kong 9. 一带一路经济走廊地区打击三股势力国际合作研究 9.Researches on international cooperation of combating the three forces(separatists, religious extremists and terrorists) in the implementation of“Belt and Road”initiative 10. 一带一路海外利益安全保护风险评估研究 10. Researches on risk assessment of the overseas security and interests in the construction of “Belt and Road” initiative. 二、一般课题 2. General topics 一、当前全球暴恐活动的新态势研究 1. Researches on the current trend of the global terrorist activities (一)世界不同地区的恐怖活动的新态势;请申请者根据不同的地区 自选 (一)The current trend of the terrorist activities in different parts of the world; applicants can choose the topics according to the different regions 1. 当前西亚地区的恐怖活动的态势研究 1.Researches on current terrorist activities in West Asia 2. 当前非洲地区的恐怖活动的态势研究 2. Researches on current terrorist activities in Africa 3. 当前南亚地区的恐怖活动的态势研究 3. Researches on current terrorist activities in South Asia 4.当前东南亚地区的恐怖活动的态势研究 4.Researches on current terrorist activities in Southeast Asia 5.当前中亚-俄罗斯的恐怖活动的态势研究 5.Researches on current terrorist activities in Central Asia-Russia (二)主要恐怖势力(组织)的演变、组织结构、当前活动新态势; 请申请者根据不同的组织自选 (二) Researches on the organization, evolution and the current activities of the main terrorist forces(organizations); applicants can choose the topic according to the organizations 1. 主要的国际性恐怖组织的组织结构、发展演变、当前主要活动 (IS、基地、伊扎布特、祈祷团、乌伊运) 1.Researches on the organization, evolution and the current activities of the international terrorist forces(IS,Al-Qaida,Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami,Jemaah Islamiyah,and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan) 2. 重要的本土恐怖势力(组织)的组织结构、发展演变、当前主要 活动 2.Researches on the organization, evolution and the current activities of the main local terrorist forces 3. 东突恐怖势力在国际社会的组织结构、发展演变、当前主要活动 3.Researches on the organization, evolution and the current activities of the “East Turkistan” forces (三) 恐怖势力活动形态 (三)Researches on the forms of terrorist activities 1.当前世界恐怖势力的组织结构与形态的新变化 1.Researches on the changes of the organization and forms of the current terrorist activities 2.当前恐怖袭击、招募、筹集资金等活动的新变化 2.Researches on the changes in terrorist attack, terrorist recruitment and terrorist funds 3.当前世界独狼恐怖活动研究 3.Researches on lone wolf terrorism 4.世界恐怖势力进行极端主义宣传的新动向 4. Researches on the new trend of the publicity activities of the world terrorist forces 二、国际恐怖主义前沿问题研究 1. 反恐怖新技术及其应用研究 1. Researches on the new technologies and their applications in the anti-terrorism work 2. 恐怖主义问题的重大理论分析研究 2.Researches on the major theories of the terrorism 3. 恐怖主义问题与地缘政治的研究 3.Researches on the terrorism and geopolitics 4. 恐怖组织融资的途径、规律及管控对策。 4. Researches on the approaches, rules and control strategies of the funds of the terrorist organizations 5. 恐怖活动的主要风险点研究 5. Researches on the main risk points of the terrorist activities 三、反恐怖研究 3. Researches on anti-terrorism 1. 当前世界反恐怖工作面临的突出问题及其所处的阶段 1. Researches on the prominent problems and stage of the current international anti-terrorism work 2. 各国当前的反恐怖工作的重大举措研究 2. Researches on current major measures of counter-terrorism in different countries 3. 历史上重大(典型)的反恐怖举措研究 3.Researches on major(typical) counter-terrorism measures in history 4. 反恐怖工作中突出的法律问题研究 4. Researches on the prominent legal issues in the anti-terrorism work 5. 总体国家安全观指导下的反恐怖战略转型与工作创新 5. Researches on the transformation and innovation of the anti-terrorism strategy under the guidance of overall national security outlook 6. 区域反恐怖国际合作研究 6. Researches on international cooperation of the regional anti-terrorism work 7. 修改反恐怖法活动的研究 7. Researches on the amendment of anti-terrorism laws 8. 情报指挥-一体化视域下的反恐怖工作改革路径 9. Researches on intelligence work -the approaches of the reform in the anti-terrorism work from the integration perspective 9.去极端化背景下的文化反恐 9. Researches on anti-terrorism in culture field in the background of de-radicalization